Ok, so for awhile now I've mostly been posting my maps over at the Fantasy Grounds forums, trying to give back to an awesome community that's (indirectly) done so much for my little gaming group. Thought I'd better post them here as well, in case anybody could use them. Plus this seems to be the place where my fellow map-making brothers hang out.

A thing or two about my maps: 90% of the objects in the maps were not created by me. They were created by various amazing people out there on the web that have created these fantastic objects distributed them freely to mapmakers like myself, and they deserve most of the credit for a semi-decent map or two I might've managed to slop together. Every map is made immense gratitude to those people. If you see one of your creations in a map, shout out for some recognition! You deserve it.

I also use PhotoShop CS6 for all my maps. I don't spend too terribly long making these. The gaming schedule usually doesn't allow for it. 2-3 hours for 2-3 nights is usually all I've got time for. There were a couple of exceptions, but not many. Frankly, I wish I had more time to craft these things a little better, because I really do have a great time making them.

Ok, so let's get to it! I'll do these in order of creation. While the quality might be kinda "meh" in the early stuff, it gets a little better as I start to figure things out, try new ideas, and get inspired by some of the amazing work I've seen here and other spots on the web over the past couple years. I'll also try to create links in my sig to a couple of more specific projects that I'll create dedicated threads for.

This first one is actually pretty early work. Basically a wizard's tower.



