Ok, so I'm taking a group through Hoard of the Dragon Queen. Thought I'd post the maps I've got so far and maybe my WIP's as well.

Here's the first few I made. I changed up the module a little and decided to have my players enter the town in the NW corner of the Greenest map (see the module), and ran the "Seek the Keep" initial encounter here. Basically they come in from the west along that small street in the NW corner. The fleeing villagers come running from the north, down the street that runs north-south, and put their backs to the home that's not on fire in the SE corner of the map. Had my kobolds spill onto the map from the direction they came and we were off to the races. Worked out great. I even through in a random encounter after the dust settled that came at the party from the direction they entered the map. Players had a great time!
