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Thread: October/November 2014 Challenge: Lingon's request

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  1. #1
    Guild Master Chashio's Avatar
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    Jan 2011
    Maine, USA

    Default October/November 2014 Challenge: Lingon's request

    Let me say first that this is a fantastic Challenge theme, and I'm thrilled that Lingon came back just in time for it and was willing to team up! and subsequently dump a fabulous request on me! The first bit is the guidelines we both agreed on and the second covers Lingon's parameters:

    - natural media on paper or canvas
    - size between 8x10 - 30x40
    - nice quality, but not something that will take more than 20-30 hours of working time
    - includes water of some type and some variety of altitude
    - style, design, color by request - else open to whatever you want to work on or try
    - for labels, there should be a title at the least, and... whatever else is desired/fitting I guess, within reason.

    - acrylic painting, in that style, ish (refers to the landscape panorama style from this thread)
    - Equatorial setting, a hot feeling
    - A focus on the nature rather than human influence – if it's because the human influence is small, or because the cartographer doesn't find it important enough to make the map's main focus, I'll let you decide
    - Story potential is never wrong

    Started off with a few rough thumbnails:

    ### Latest WIP ###
    thumb sketch maps.jpg

    He asked if it would be possible to mesh the bottom two together, with the harbor sketch being a fallback if the combination doesn't pan out.
    Last edited by Chashio; 10-23-2014 at 07:56 PM.
    Kaitlin Gray - Art, Maps, Etc | Patreon | Instagram

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