Hi all,

I've been sitting on this one for a little while, waiting to get some progress before starting a thread, but now I think I'll jump on the bandwagon and start with the brief, and get some pictures up as soon as possible.

Larb asked me to make
"A map of a derelict ship that has crashed.
  • Climate can be whatever you wish but should be earth-like.
  • Style can also be whatever you wish although I was thinking a side-view would be best for this with maybe expanded plan-views on the map for important rooms or areas.
  • Ship has crashed in a shallow lake so the lower levels would be flooded. Alternatively it could be deep in the ocean and only parts of it are flooded. Up to you!
  • The ship is fairly large but is a civilian or industrial ship rather than a military one. It is mostly intact.
  • The overall look of the vessel would ideally be a sort of chunky used-industrial-near-future affair rather than all shiny and clinical. So more Alien rather than Star Wars/Trek. Cyberpunky elements are also fine if so inclined!
  • It would have been carrying an important but dangerous cargo when it came down.
  • Whatever mechanical automatons are onboard may still be active and slightly dangerous."

Sci-fi/cyberpunk are definitely not within my usual résumé, so I think this challenge is going to be...challenging.

Last, I'm just gonna mention that I really like this month's challenge idea, I'm thrilled to be teamed up with Larb, whose work I really admire, and I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.