Exactly! EarthLink did it. No one else.
Of course not. Only a churl would suggest such a thing.It has nothing to do with me personally.
Sorry, but I absolutely disagree. The owner of this website and any other website needs to do absolutely nothing. EarthLink is the cause of this problem. If you or anyone else who's an EarthLink customer has complained to EarthLink about the blockage and EarthLink has done nothing, I would suggest it's time to find an ISP that serves its customers rather than itself, which your messages strongly suggest is what EarthLink is doing. If Deutsche Telekom did that to us, I would have dropped them immediately. Decent ISPs also give you the ability to remove specific spam blockages on your own.the owner of the website has to go to the earthlink website and fill out a simple form, and include a bounceback email showing that earthlink bounced them.