Quote Originally Posted by Ghalev View Post
One of my favorites, and of course there's always something groovy about using a font published by an RPG designer (in this case Ysgarth's own Dave Nalle, he who masters the Scriptorium) to decorate a fantasy-gaming map
I should have remembered it was his! LOVE his fonts, and I dream about dropping boatloads of money over there...

Okay, so... I increased the scale of the trees to better suit my imagination, I added Del's requisite SCALE , I messed around with the water a bit -- though I'm not sure I like it better than the first one. I rather liked that 'painterly' quality -- and I played around a bit more with the buildings. Again going for that 'painterly' or 'illustration' quality, I sketched the buildings in with a skinny little 'noisy' brush (completely by trackpad!). Blurred a tad, and treated to the same displacement map as the rest of the elements. I don't know about you guys, but I really like how it turned out!