Quote Originally Posted by Falconius View Post
Naw, the roll of a GM is basically adversarial. That's a normal GM. :p
The GM should never be adversarial. The GM must be the neutral judge of fairness and integrity. It is not the role of the GM to fight the players, it is the role of the GM to fairly adjudicate the happenings in the world.

I've played with (and dumped) more than one GM who thought it was his job to beat the crap out of the players no matter what they did. That is not how good roleplaying games work.

That said, if there was a reason within the story why the wagon burned, that's perfectly fair of a GM. If it was done merely to annoy the players and remove some of their stuff, that's not.

A while back I found a site with some blog-style ideas about how a good GM operates. If you ever run games, it's well worth reading this guy's stuff: The Angry DM: D&D Advice with Attitude |