The Kickstarter just went over $10,000, so the first goal has been made. However, the above list is incomplete. There is also:
- Location Notes and
- SVG Support for Map Features
There is also a third stretch goal (at $14,000):
- City Map Tools,
- Parallels and Meridians for Map Projections and
- Importing SVG Files for Landmass Data
I'm a bit confused about the difference between SVG support for the first stretch goal and SVG input for this third one.
Anna Mayer (who did the Flanaess map and is doing cartography for The Southlands Kickstarter) has signed up to be an Alpha Tester. She has also been asking (on the comments page of their Kickstarter) about supplying them with "map art submissions" and has been talking about how she could work in Other World Mapper, export a map to create a 3D version and then re-import the map at the end of that process:
I find it really interesting that Anna Meyer is thinking of using this alongside 3D software.Originally Posted by Anna Meyer on the Other World Mapper Kickstater
EDIT: I have also asked (probably in the wrong place) if Other World Mapper might be able to help with the difficulty of getting the polar areas of planets right. That is something I've struggled with for many years and if they can make that easier, it would be awesome.