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Thread: October/November 2014 Lite Challenge: The Apothecarian's Roaming Garden

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    Guild Expert Wingshaw's Avatar
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    Default October/November 2014 Lite Challenge: The Apothecarian's Roaming Garden

    I am really surprised that this challenge hasn't received more interest or entries. It's an interesting challenge idea (if I have understood it properly), and something I've been interested in for a while. I didn't think I'd be able to entry because the non-mapping world is keeping me busy, and I have a prior commitment to finish Larb's commission for the other challenge. That said, I thought I'd help Bogie raise interest in the challenge (or at least give Chick something to compete against), and, y'know, them shiny compasses are beckonin'. Hence, I thought I'd throw my hat in the ring. I'm only able to commit a small amount of time to this challenge, however, so hopefully I'll be able to work fast.

    Well, the first thing to point out is that I don't really have a map to post, yet. Below are just some concept sketches I've been working on. This first post was really just to commit myself to the task and explain my idea.

    The second thing to point out is that I am not a gamer, and so I might have missed the point of the challenge, a bit. Hopefully that won't be too much of a problem. I've decided to interpret this challenge as: map a dwelling place (ideally a mobile one) that can be used as a base of operations and/or home for adventures/adventurers.

    And thus, with plenty of caveats and conditions in place, I present The Apothecarian's Roaming Garden. The idea is inspired by an old story I heard that the art of bonsai began when travelling medicine men wanted to keep the leaves and herbs of their trade fresh, and so travelled with miniature trees. That story is inaccurate in real history, but it is the basis of this map. I have also thrown in elements of travelling salesmen/peddlers, the wagons of the gypsys/Roma and American settlers, and Miyazaki's rendition of Howl's Moving Castle.

    The Apothecarian's Roaming Garden is a house/garden/shop that travels a few feet above the ground on a platform of clouds. Those clouds dissipate when the Garden needs to land, and then reappear when it is time to move on. The style I'm going for is Japanese, and maybe orthogonal and/or floorplan(s).

    The Garden also includes a couple of secrets: a hidden chamber, some household spirits, and more if I think of any others.

    I am looking for suggestions and comments, since, as I said, I might have missed the point.


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    Formerly TheHoarseWhisperer

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