Hey all. I literally found, and joined, because of one link.

The Blessed R'Lyeh

I'm owner of the domain cityofrlyeh.org and have been planning out a City Government website complete with custom maps and everything. As a GIS Analyst I have access to the tools necessary to make this happen, I just can only dedicate my lunch hours (sometimes) to this... so it's SLOOOOOOWWWWWW going... I'm dreaming of a full-fledged map of R'Lyeh, complete with topography, streets, building footprints, coastline, etc. Kinda hoping I can get someone at ESRI to pony up a free account or two for a non-profit, for fun, license or two. (we'll see)

Anyway, I dabble in a little bit of everything, so feel free to say hello...
Peace, Love and Ley Lines...