Hello all,

Not sure if this is the correct place, but here goes.
Having started making my own map I have immediately run into some problems, mostly, where to place mountains and how to make climates have sense.

Below is my first sketch of the world`s continent and nothing more than that. it has the coastlines and I`m stuck.
I have a general idea on where I want mountains and jungle and desert and such ( see the 2nd picture ) but I have no idea if it makes any sense to place them where I want.



Since this is a top down map of the entire world I struggle with scale as well, is such a massive mountain range even logical/possible??

I have looked for tutorials or guides or any other form of help regarding maps on this scale but still struggle with it

I also want to have some form of barrier separating the island to the right with the continents in the middle (placed along the black line)


I was thinking of making this in the form of Mountains or simply permanent stormy weather/whirlpools etc but I was wondering if and how this would affect the climates around the world.

I hope someone here can help me with my many questions

Just me Out.