Happy New Year everyone!

My name is Erin and I wish to commission a small-scale fantasy world map for a middle grade fantasy novel to be published with Flagship Fiction. I want it to be fairly simple and in black and white. Something similar to the style of this one: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/20...ay-d5ekz4l.jpg

You will be paid by the publisher and the amount is negotiable. The uppermost deadline is March 2015, but the earlier the better.

Here is a sketch of the map I did. Excuse my lack of artistic skill. Please use as much artistic licence as you wish concerning the actual shape of the land and positioning of rivers, all that really matters from the sketch is the position of different towns in relation to each other.

map sketch.png

If you are interested, please comment here or email me at erin.ruth99(at)gmail(dot)com. I will forward you to the publisher, who will be able to tell you more regarding copyright, technical details and payment methods.