I first want to say that I am very impressed by the work on this site and all the hours building great maps. I hope to join the ranks, and I am going to upgrade an old world map made with pen and shaded with crayons to a completely new style... who knows I may even display it on my wall when I am done

I broke the task down into a number of smaller ones (this will take a while as I am sure you all know). The first step is to find my style. Here is a small sample with a style of mountain, forest, etc. on the old map.

I have decided to use the Ascension tutorial for creating world maps to properly rough up and change the coastline of my great continents. In the sample, you can see some very round land shapes. I hope to change that using the ascension tutorial.


After this, I will work on my main mountain ranges and water. I would love feedback! Honestly, the only thing I am attached to now are keeping the general shape of landmasses the same, and I am starting to like the forest colors

Thanks in advance!