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Thread: Terraformed Venus

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  1. #10
    Guild Adept acrosome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascanius View Post
    Sorry, my bad I meant subpolar. Sorry if that confused you. You have the ( <45 degree) polar currents right it's the subpolar ( > 45 degrees) currents that need work.

    Also look at your source image, the really detailed one (2nd one) it only shows up to 60 degrees and doesn't show the full 90 degrees lat, I think this is why your getting a little confused. Your not getting the full picture. The current does go eastwards but it's around the 45 parallel. Also note the antartic subpolar, it is more of what I was getting at.
    Well, that more detailed second map I linked show a broad eastward circumpolar current from about 45S to >60S, so that's what I tried to emulate. The first (more simple) map also shows it at 60S. I figured that the westward subpolar currents would be at >60S, and didn't really bother to chart them. So you're basically saying to present the circumpolar current as being at a lower latitude than 60, right?

    What messes me up, as I mentioned, is that I have landmasses at 60S in both the north and south and I'm not sure what effect that will have. Thus my question about if I should just model those after the far northern Atlantic, or the small gyre through the Bering Sea, etc. on the more detailed map.

    Quote Originally Posted by ascanius View Post
    As to why I switched the directions, if you look at the two sources your using you will see that around 45 degrees latatude the currents travel eatward then the current splits at a landform/ice with warm moving north and cold going south. There is a long scientific reason why this happens but suffice it to say it's due to the rotation of the planet. The currents you are mapping are the surface currents wich are created by the prevailing winds caused by Hadley cells. The basic idea is closed loops, with the east/west flowing currents traveling until they are split by land then warm goes towards poles and cold towards equator.
    Ah, never mind- I see it now on that detailed map. I had a chart reading failure there for some reason. I'll have to fix that.

    Quote Originally Posted by ascanius View Post
    With Xartanga and Lada the polar current travels eastward until it encounters land (the southern islands of Lada for simplicities sake) at this point the current splits with warm going towards the pole and cold going towards the equator closing the loops. That split doesn't occure prior encountering an obstical (land). {Not entirely true what you see in real life is a warm current drift north with the greatest concentration along the costs (warm current only) the cold current doesn't doe the same thing.}--> ignore this if it confuses you it's not important.
    I went to pretty extraordinary lengths to close loops, actually. (Note the numbers next to the currents.) But, as I said above, I have some reworking to do...

    I'm checking your links, now.


    That first one is a damned cool chart of arctic currents.

    But that third link of yours is what I'm talking about- the circumpolar current looks like it runs as high as >60S for about 3/4 of the way around Antarctica. Still, it clearly does not for 1/4. So I can tweak that, too.

    Looking at my poles in orthographic projection on GProjector I'm starting to think that I need to model both of them on the Arctic rather than the Antarctic.

    I'm going to go cry into my pillow for a bit, and once I've recovered my composure I'll start over. It may be a while.
    Last edited by acrosome; 01-12-2015 at 10:44 PM.

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