
Valgard has long been a pet project for me, and a true education in world building. While this map will never be truly finished since the world is constantly evolving; this iteration is by far the most complete and comfortable representation I've ever had. For that reason, however; not every point of interest has a corresponding label- not everything on the map is something that has been covered in my still unfolding story. Valgard is a world still pregnant with potential.

A bit about the world- Valgard is meant to be a fantasy world. What you see here is the world as it is. While it is meant to be a plausible place for humans to live, it still exists in the realms of imagination. Valgard is a meant to be a planet smaller than earth, though with wider temperate zones and few places with truly harsh and unlivable environments. (If someone wants to figure out the science for this, no problem! But again this wasn't a primary concern). There exists a shadow to this world, The Nevereach, which is a plane of existence where chaotic energy flows, and otherworldly beings live. Not an evil place, but a topsy-turvy realm where logic and order have no hold. The world's aesthetic is that of conflicting forces- the rise technologies like airships clash with ancient crafts. Art deco flare meets with high fantasy.

This has been a long journey and the physical representation of this world started here at the Cartographer's Guild. I cant thank the folks here enough for the guidance they have lent me. Many iterations of this map have surfaced, along with some indecisiveness on my part. I finally settled to return to basics on this map because that is where my gut ultimately took me. This last iteration is not unlike my first- and so I have come full circle. What's more I am entirely pleased and truly feel this map is what it should be.

Thank you!