Hi fellow cartographiles,

I've added the current version of my first map. It's of the part of my world that's known at the time I'm writing about. It is not strictly speaking complete, as some rivers are missing, and there are other elements that I might increase the number of, but it is as critiquable as the finished product would be.

Cartographers' Guild Map.jpg

A few specific questions:
- I've added images (from Sketchup) for two of the cities near the bottom. Does it work/could it work?
- The labelling: I've mixed up English and the language of the peoples of this world (everything named as I refer to it in the book), and have used different colours for the letters of the greater regions (white & brown). Is that acceptable?
- I have an issue with the compass rose. The way of describing directions is different in my world is different for historical and orbital reasons. Given this projection, there is an equivalent to north/south, but west/east is 'replaced' by DrAgn/DArgn, which indicate away from and towards the Stubborn Rock, respectively. Any ideas as to how to show this, or is it better to just add a rose?

The style of the map is taken with enormous gratitude from Tear'shttp://www.cartographersguild.com/showthread.php?t=8086. As I've understood it that is considered acceptable.