Well, here goes!

I decided to create some standing stones, mostly because I'd like to use them in a map at some point, and also because I think they're mad cool! I see from the challenge rules that we can create up to six mapping elements, and that seemed a great incentive to create a stone circle, or part of one at least.

So, here's my first effort:

### Latest WIP ###

I'm not a great artist so I'm quite pleased that it actually looks like a standing stone! However, on the downside, it maybe looks too much like a standing stone. What I mean by that is that it's quite photo-realistic, and I prefer maps that are more illustrative or hand-drawn, so I'm not sure if it'll fit in any map that I might create. I suppose that doesn't affect the challenge one way or the other, it's just my personal musing.

Any thoughts or comments? I've never entered any challenge like this before, and hope I'm doing everything right.