Hello! I am the Jagerofelements and I a nerdy DnD player. Well more like a nerdy Dungeon Master but let's not get to technical... and yes I am fine with my nerdyness. lol

So ever since I was a kid, I always loved making fantasy things. I would draw out towns, dungeons, stuff like that. I mean I did this back when I was 5-6 years old. My maps weren't great because again... I was 5-6 years old but I have been doing this a long time. Video games ended up taking my life away from art once I started becoming a serious gamer. Maybe around 10 years old...

But now, the last 2 years I have been drawing a LOT more. Now I am 22 and I am feeling allot more comfortable with Paint.net and my creative nature is coming back. Now, I am putting my drawing skills to the test! I am making an entire continent, an entire DnD setting, and I am having... a hard of a time. lol xD

So I am coming here to learn. I want to study under those those that have been drawing for a long time. I want to become great at drawing maps whether they are towns, dungeons, or an entire world. I want to be a certified cartographer... in the cartographer's guild.

So that is my reason for joining and I hope I make some friends along my quest of making a DnD campaign with amazing maps. Thank you for reading, have a wonderful day and take it easy!