What up! So I am working on a big continent for my adventurers. I must say, allot of this is just concept and my adventurers already love the map. But before I go into what I don't like and wish to improve on... let me show the thing to ya...


So the big things about this map I don't like. I feel there isn't very many interesting locations. Sure I got a giant mountain range (the brown thing at the top) and some snow tipped mountains in the east. I got some snow and 3 largish forests... but I feel there isn't enough to where I am happy. I would love to add rivers... if I could figure out how to make them look good.

Another thing is the cities. Right now, I am using a symbol and a sphere to represent how big a city CAN be. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to draw a picture to represent a place...

I could go on and on about this picture and what I wish it could be. But somebody should be able to look at it and know what it needs to become a good looking map. I need help and I would love if somebody could give me some advice... I am kinda at a loss on what to do about some of these things.

Sidenote: The grey islands and landmass isn't done yet. These are landscapes the adventurers know exist but nobody has been there. The mountains stop anyone from visiting the top left landmass. The other 4 islands are impossible to see due to constant storms that break line of sight. I will draw them eventually but for now, I want to work on the main islands.