My name's Martina, I'm 34 and I come from Padua, a town in the north-east of Italy, few miles/km from Venice.
My nickname, Nim Tara, is a mix of my name. And also, I used to be calles Nim since ages, because of my Tolkien addiction (nim means 'white' in elfish).

I've found this site thanks to an Italian writer's blog. I was looking for some help through Pinterest, I finished in his page and there was a nice article about world building and maps.

I'm trying, like most of you I think, to write a book. I wanna write it for me, first of all. And then, if someone wants to read it, well... that will be good but first I wanna write this story to help me in my life. I need to free my ideas, my stories. And reading the few words I wrote already gives me happiness

I'm sooo happy to be here because I'm working on my world map and my only help was some fonts here and pictures over there. Hope to find what I need to finish my map

Thanks for your patience (my English is not as good as I'd like to) and nice to meet you!!!
