Hi everyone! I am MummaCandy and this is my first ever post here in the Guild so I'm excited to find out how everything hangs together around here.

Anyways... what I want to share with you here is a fantasy map I just finished (took me a whole damn day to).

The map features the east coast of a mighty kingdom known as Merreen (I love writing stores for my maps, and making maps for my stories, so I may end up writing a whole mini-novel about this). However, everything is not well, for this region of the kingdom is sparingly populated. This is due to surviving proving quite the challenge (to say the least), as freezing winds from the great Eastern Ocean relentlessly whip the land, trolls haunt the mountains and woods at night, and many a bandit-band hide here - for imperial soldiers seldom travel this far...

Fantasy map Merrè.jpg