My first custom-made black-and-white map.


It shows a regional map, with only parts of it already explored (the South-west). The background here is that a religiously persecuted human minority fled across the ocean and came across this continent, making landfall near Leothora. Pretty much all the lands the Six Realms (founded by those refugees) now occupies used to belong to the Alvae, a gray-skinned, white-haired elven people who at first welcomed the humans and gave them the islands around Leothora to settle down. Unfortunately for them humans tend to breed a lot faster than the Alvae, and they don't share the elven people's inability to wield iron and steel (and since they were one people they didn't have the need for armies and warriors, which was a wee bit of a disadvantage once the humans sought to conquer their lands).

Muir Logainn and other ruins in the Quiet Marshes still tell of their wealth and power, and many of the larger cities in the Six Realms are built on Alvae foundations. The Quiet Marshes, the result of a massive flood brought about by Alvae spellsingers, mark the eastern extent of the Six Realms. Nobody has ever crossed them and returned, just as no ship has ever sailed back from the Widow Tears...