Hi all! I actually did it...I found a hosting company that offers dedicated hosting at a lower rate than what we're having here, and they seem to offer what may promise to be a little more stability and performance. It's a more established hosting company I think, not that our current one isn't established...but I believe we may be able to save a buck or two and increase performance and stability a little.

In preparation, once things begin, I will probably be turning off the ability to upload any attachments so that the files can be transferred to the new server and synchronized. Your ability to post will still be live until we actually make the switch...I'm hoping for as minimal of a service interruption as possible. I also don't have an exact timeline for this move, but it could be as early as next week.

What can you do to help you ask? I'm glad you asked! Ad revenue hasn't been that great...I'm not sure if it's due to decreased activity or just lack of interesting ads. You can click on the ads to support our sponsors though, that always helps...some of them are paying for ad space, and if you click their ads and visit their sites, it looks great for us! Some of the ads are automatic though, and we'd get additional revenue from those clicks You can also continue to donate to support the site directly. Those donations go a long way. The move may end up leaving us in a one month double bill cycle, where we owe hosting costs for two servers in one month. Having some additional padding to cover those costs will definitely help.

Anyways, be on the lookout for more information. I'll be posting here once I get all the details ironed out. Thanks again for your patience and support!