I spent this week making what turns out 17 levels of an undersea dome complex serving as a science station and oceanography/marine biology post graduate program for various world universities. This might fit a modern or near future sci-fi game.

I used Xara Designer Pro 9, a vector drawing application to do most of these maps, though some 3D models were created to serve the more specialized map objects required, including the domes, the manta sub and the crab work vehicle (in the moon pool), all the sea life and plants, and the holo-screen in Habitat level 5. Everything else is beveled shapes, color or photo image fills, and drop or halo shadows.

Although I initially planned to offer this a a Zip file containg hi-res JPGs (at proper scale, since these maps are currently 72 x 72 inches at 1 inch = 10 foot scale.) and a PDF of the gazetteer of the complex, every level and every chamber offerred at DrivethruRPG - and I do plan to do that, but first I'm letting freelancetraveller.com a fanzine for the Traveller RPG host it on their website (in the current scaled versions), along with what I intend to put on the PDF, a gazetteer of the complex. The editor of Freelance Traveller contacted me on G+ while I was posting these on a Traveller G+ community.



PS: its going to take 4 or 5 posts to get all the levels uploaded...
