Distinguished Guild!

I am adressing you to say hello

I was lurking around the forum for some time now, watching maps, reading discussions and tutorials and now that I have finally happened to draw something I decided to come out.

Few words about myself? I study geoscience and do maps for own amusement and sometimes for others, chiefly, but not only, digitally. I might appear strange around here, as I'm not the biggest fan of the "sword-and-elf" fantasy I draw my inspirations from the best developed, longest running and the most diverse setting out there, which sometimes is called "history" and sometimes "The Earth" When it comes to the unreal, Sci-Fi is my friend, but I didn't get much inspiration for maps from this corner yet. So expect maps of existing places (or places clearly derived from them), historical (more or less ) styles and maybe some drift toward the future from me. Or maybe I will have my taste changed in the coming months and change to Middle-Earth. One never knows.

Hello anyway and I hope to post some of my works soon