I guess it was the February challenge - an evolving map - where i started Haerlech.
However, that was not the first map I started trying to work on for that particular challenge.
I actually had started on 2 or 3 before settling on Haerlech. The second one was Sagemound.
I was going to show the evolving of a small hill top village into a bigger town.
I got into it a bit and quickly realized that I would not have the time and so moved on.
Now I've come back to it and started working on it again. Because... why not have loads of semi-finished maps.

I am trying to keep at Haerlech and the Frog Lorde dungeon as well as my freelance work which is challenging for time.
But I like this sort of town map so I am just doing it anyway. Time be damned.

Any how, these are some of the earlier images just to get this wip started.
Sagemound 00a.jpg Sagemound 00b.jpg Sagemound 01a.jpg

And here's where I'm at right now.
Sage mound 01b_1.jpg

This was originally going to be just a black and white map but it may end up in color. Still not sure on that point.
I am not sure if I want to do the whole evolving map thing. It takes a really long time as Haerlech can attest to.
We shall see. I was also thinking of doing another Bourmout style map, with the perspective town. Time will tell on that as well.