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Thread: Ruined Stronghold (my 1st digitally created map)

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    Map Ruined Stronghold (my 1st digitally created map)

    Here is a ruined stronghold that I created using GIMP from a black & white sketch in an ancient Dragon Magazine adventure. I liked the concept and decided I wanted something like it.

    The textures and objects are not of my own creation, but were selected from a number of free online resources, so I offer thanks to all the wonderful people out there that produced them.

    One issue I have with this map is how the rubble looks nothing like the walls. The tone and shape of rubble are wrong. However, for some reason I still like the flavor it offers, so I haven't changed it.

    One of my favorite things about this map is the use of a corral texture which I used on much of the floor. It seems to fit well as some sort of unknown lichen growing throughout the stronghold.

    The entrance offers a large number of arrow slits for defense. The upper left corner is intended to be a tower that collapsed as the cliff upon which this stronghold rested eroded. Under the rubble is an entrance to the lower levels of the stronghold. The tents are from an expedition attempting to gain access to the lower levels. I felt this map would be fun for a couple of adventures- one for attacking, another for defending. In the original adventure, there had been an expedition that had been gone too long and word had been received of an orc attack. The orcs also have an interest in what lies beneath the stronghold. The PC's are sent to investigate.

    I hope others can find use for the map. If you do, please leave a reply, so that I know the time I spent on it wasn't wasted just on me.

    BTW... On request, I could also provide a map without tents and many of the objects.

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    Last edited by DE4DF4LL; 07-20-2008 at 11:59 PM. Reason: Updating image based on feedback from RobA

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