Heyo cartographers' guild !

Today i want to show you a new map i made, this is my second map on this forum, and my third attempt at making a map.
Everything was made in GIMP, i used no brushes from other people.
The mountains are pretty simple, but i think they are good enough..
If you have any feedback, then please do tell me .

This island is also part of my fantasy world map, found Here


The shape idea i got from looking at the Netherlands, however the mountains should be more Icelandic/Scotland ish.
The island should be around as wide as Iceland, and two times as long.

The island is settled by 6 different clans.

The pink one (to the left), is called the Althin Clan. They are a neutral clan without an army.
The clan chiefs all agreed that this ground is no-war.
This is where all the clan chiefs can talk about the politics on the island, in a safe place.
No blood can be shed on these lands, ones this happens anyone in the responsible clan can take down their chief, and replace the traitor.

On what can i improve on this map ? Did i do things wrong ?