I wasn't going to take part in the month's challenge, knowing I'm pretty busy for the next few weeks and especially after bombing spectacularly last month! But what can I say, I'm addicted (what night does Mappers Anonymous meet?)

I'm not a gamer and don't have any experience with battle maps so, since Bogie says regional maps are OK, I'm going with that. I'm doing a scene from Lord of the Rings from the chapter 'Flight to the Ford', where Frodo & crew are on the road and they're caught by the black riders. Frodo runs for the river to cross into Rivendell and soon after, Elrond makes the river flood and washes away the ringwraiths. I hope this counts as an ambush! (maybe I should have put a spoiler alert on this paragraph LOL)

I haven't loads of time unfortunately, so I'm trying to get as much done as I can now. I've posted my first WIP below. The big rectangle will be Rivendell and I'll do something in Inkscape for that. I've put in a rough position for the road, coming from the left, but that's not finished. I've also started the forests but not sure I like them and might redo. According to the book, mountains rise up behind Rivendell, so I've tried to give the sense of mountains just starting at the edge of the map. Since I'm a bit rubbish at mountains, dunno if it works.

Anyway, this is where I'm at for now:

### Latest WIP ###