So almost a week ago a few of us were chatting about doing a friendly challenge of Middle Earth maps.
I jumped right into it and started. It occurred to me quickly that I needed to reacquaint myself with Middle Earth as I had not read any Tolkien for a few years. That got me thinking I might as well do the whole ME lands, which turns out to be a bigger task than I originally thought.
I have a lot of it done already but I keep coming up with new things to do, which then means I ave to add those or correct them for all the other areas I've already done. That is a pain in the ass! BUT... I think it will be worth it in the end. The whole map will look a lot better once it's done.

Anyhow, it sort of changed at a point and now I am doing 4 regional maps and 1 large map.
The regions will start with Mordor and also include Eriador, Rhovanion and Gondor. The large map will include some of the north[Forodwaith and Northern Wastes] as well as the south [Haradwaith and Far Harad]. So it's going to take some time.

I just finished the Mordor region map which will give you an indication of how I am doing all these maps.
I should add that I take some liberties with the landscape in some areas. I researched a lot from various sources to get a good idea of how it would be laid out. But some things Tolkien did just don't sit well with me and so I made some changes. Heretical - I know.
An example being, most of his mountain ranges are just too narrow for me.
You may not like how I did them but just know that it was a choice, not a mistake or misunderstanding.
Beyond that, feel free to jab and pick and pull it apart if you feel it necessary. I may bite though.

So here's the first of several ME maps. Cheers.
Mordor [M] by SirInkman 2015.jpg