Started a new map, Rokugan - The legend of the Five Rings - a role playing game, although I've never played. Wanted to try my hand at a more illustrative approach, struggled with it for a week or so -my line work is really inconsistent, I'll have to work on that a lot. I attached a PDF of the process. My mountains were mammoth at first, so I scaled them down. I intent to adjust the overall colors some and I'm going to add the civilizations - people will live in a number of areas - I've already added the entry feature into the volcanic tribe's settlement. Border and graphic elements will be added. Iconic Settlements for - The 5 Rings - will be called out on the map - larger illustrations of the villages of each tribe. I've brought it into Illustrator for the text and border (hate photoshops text tool). Hope you like it, comments always welcome.
ROKUGAN ALL.pdfRokugan_06.jpg