Greetings Cartographers!

I recently discovered this site, and after lurking through several threads, I've decided to get in on the action.

I'm a long time player of D&D and other roleplaying games, and for the last several years, my friends and I have been using a shared game world. There have been multiple iterations of maps for our setting over the years - beginning with one small kingdom, and has been expanded and revised several times. I have always been the primary cartographer and world builder, even when I have not been the one running the game. We started a new campaign recently (the last one having fizzled out over a year ago), and the current storyteller asked me for some maps and related details about the world. When I went to pull them up, I discovered I had misplaced or lost most of what we had. This then, is my reconstruction, revision, and expansion of the continent of Aragwyll.

First, I sketched out a quick and rough map from memory for the storyteller to use as a working reference while I worked on a nicer and more detailed map. Please forgive the poor scanning quality - its from a cellphone camera in less than perfect lighting. It's a starting place, and will all be completely painted over eventually anyway.

Scanned Pencil on Paper:
Aragwyll - Pencils.jpg

Added a coastline in photoshop - with some revision to match the one basic regional map I was able to find:
Aragwyll - coastline plus gwendire.jpg

Then I threw in a canvas texture and started trying to paint some mountains. I have mixed feelings about them. This is about the point that I started seeking out tutorials and samples of what others had done, and found this board.
Aragwyll - terrain and canvas.jpg