
Just a coastline and an idea for now.

I decided to make this an extension to my last map, just because I thought it was a cool idea and could add something quite dramatic to that world.

This is the Shattered Isles, once called Halarnoth by those in the North.

The tales tell of a great battle between the gods themselves...
Svargroth, the ruiner, came from the pits of Earth itself, and sent forth flame and smoke, making the land desolate.
Then Mjorgroth the cleanser, who lived in the darkest trenches of the sea, sent forth the mountains of the oceans, and swept away the flames of Svargroth.
In his wrath, Svargroth set his mighty hammer against the land of Halarnoth, and broke the land.

Though the tales are set it legend, (and will hopefully be a bit more poetic later on) they tell of a geographic catastrophe, in which an earth quake, which triggered many chains of tidal waves and volcanoes, wiped out an entire civilization of people. Some great forgotten cataclysm, a super volcano, pushed up mountains around it, and reformed the land.

### Latest WIP ###HALARNOTH 2.jpg