This is the city of Stonerang, set in the cold north.

During winter months, the harbor is closed up. When the tide is out, most of the water between the islands and the mainland is gone, making those roads passable. When the tide is in, those roads are under water. The independently walled area in the top middle is going to be an Academy of some kind.


This is my first town map (and second map ever)... Not done yet, but basically was trying to duplicate Pyrandon's exceptional city tutorial using Gimp instead of PS. I haven't gotten to the end of the process yet, but thought I'd throw up the WIP.

Please be gentle, but firm! I'm not that artistic of a guy, but I do enjoy maps, and would love to get better at making them.

I know my water is atrocious. I hadn't read some of the great river specific tutorials when I first did the layout, and even if I had, rivers and I have not agreed with each other since day 1.

I was curious also if anybody had feedback on making this a winterscape instead of a greenscape. I tried just switching the hill palettes to whites, but the end result looked really bright and unnatural.

For the wall across the water, I am imaging several giant towers set deep into the waters, with enormous gates between them to allow merchant ships into Stonerang to harbor at the port on the left. The right side had too large a gap to connect... But maybe I should? Or maybe try and narrow the left side a bit more?

I consider all feedback a gift, so please let me know thoughts and ideas!