Slow progress on the fields !
I've done the major lines on the northern farms/pastures/meadows (with rough temporary colouring for planning).
Yellow/orange is planting (summer, autumn and fallow), bright green meadows, faint green pastures, dark green woods. I'll probably tweaks bits here and there when i'm doing the detailing, making maybe a small vineyard or wastes, or some other interesting variation.


Next on the list, the southern ones, woods, paths/bridges, then detailing and adding the village lines.

So far, I quite like how its looking, but i'll only know when I detail and colour them properly. My only worry is that the result might be very busy looking, so i'm planning on making the inside of the fields simple and revealing a lot of the grass background. If anything, I can always reduce the amount of seperations.

Also thanks to the people following this, i'm glad you like it