Hello people. I was looking for some information about making maps for a Rifts game I hope to GM in the future, and I stumbled across this site. For the record, I have decided that Fractal Terrains 3 combined with Campaign Cartographer 3 will be what I want to use as FT3 has the ability to pull in real-world data and recreate the Earth in 3D, then modify it as needed (add in a continent, raise the water level, erode some coasts, etc) and export the whole thing into CC3 where I can add cities etc., although right now I basically have no idea what I'm doing and kinda feel a little overwhelmed by the scope of my project. In the past with games I have played (both "tabletop" and video-game RPGs) I have actually attempted to draw out maps by hand as I progressed (usually on graph paper), so I am a bit fascinated by the entire map-making thing.