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Thread: Help me populate my Sci-Fi Dungeon-Crawl Setting!

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    Default Help me populate my Sci-Fi Dungeon-Crawl Setting!

    Okay, so I recently made a post on RPGnet about a Dungeon Crawl styled Sci-Fi game idea I had and through much help I decided on an idea.

    It takes place in a single, multi-star, planetary system. And the idea is instead of having a single land-mass fantasy map, I have a Planetary System map that has locations that correspond to similar locations.

    Instead of Empires there are Homeworlds, instead of barren wastes there are asteroid belts, instead of dungeons there are derelict space hulks.

    Setting-wise the concept is thus: Around 200(Maybe more?) Earth-Years ago dozens of species left their homeworlds in an attempt to escape some sort of a galactic catastrophe simply called The Blackout. They all converged onto this system, led there by a mysterious ancient signal. After much exploration the various races came to the conclusion that this system had been created for the express purpose of harboring these races in the event of just the sort of devastation that occurred. The Creators are nowhere to be found but various ruins and bits of tech prove they once existed. Over the past couple hundred years each race set up their civilizations on the planets that fit their needs best. Society has survived, but there have also been conflicts between the more civilized(PC) races and some of the territorial War-Like races.

    Players will basically be Adventurers traveling between stars and Planets exploring derelicts and ruins, discovering tech and clues to the history of this place.

    The PC races I have so far are:
    Humans: Humans
    Uon: A small, hardy Rodent-like race (the setting's Dwarves)
    Vri'es: A tall, long-lived asexual Amphibious/Insectoid race (Elves)
    Autons: A Synthetic People (Warforged)

    Open to suggestions for other PC Races or NPC races

    The System is a Trinary system Two Suns (B & C) sharing an orbit around a Third (A), and the a Fourth outlying Star(p) orbiting the group. The Majority of the PC races will have settled on Planets around A. There are a couple Dozen Planets and a hundred or so Moons and Dwarf Planets. As well as a couple Asteroid Belt(One in Local System B and one separating A from B & C) Travel between planets around the same star takes hours, travel to other stars take days if not weeks.

    Just a quick map I whipped up. Needs names, locations, and phenomena. The Relays are the only intact piece of Creator technology. They are Giant transmitters and are what put out the signal that called all the races to the system. As of yet no one has been able to get inside them and while they are no longer transmitting they are being used as signal relays, allowing fairly fast communication between systems.

    So, what do I need from the community? Ideas really. Locations & Other races for the most part. Tone-Wise I'm following kind of Mass Effect meets Destiny. Don't be afraid to steal from other sources, I certainly am, and you may be familiar with properties I'm not.
    Last edited by Tensen01; 07-13-2015 at 08:14 PM.
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