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Thread: Fantasy Novel Map

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    Help Fantasy Novel Map

    Hey everyone! A while ago, I decided to make a map for a novel I'm currently writing. I thought it would be a nice touch, you know? I worked at it, and I made a decent map for an amateur like me. Anyway, now I'm looking for a more professional look to it, and I saw the Mapmaking Requests section of the forum. So I thought, Hey, why not? Anyway, these are the guidelines for the map I want. They're pretty loose, but I'd like anyone wanting to accept my request to adhere to them.

    Here's the map:


    -Unpaid. I have no money and no clue how to make a transaction. Sorry.

    -Doesn't really matter to me, as long as it looks 'better' than mine.

    Additional Info:
    -I'd like something done with the color of the mountains to indicate elevation.
    -I'd also appreciate it if you added in some other elevations around the map:

    Northeast province is lowlands
    Northwest is mountainous
    Western is relatively hilly
    Eastern is mostly flat
    Southern is mostly flat

    -Nothing needs to be done with the upper portion of the map, across the border.
    -Please feel free to shift the rivers to be more geographically correct or to make part of a border.
    -Also do something with coastal waves.

    Last edited by ChaosTheory; 08-09-2015 at 08:40 PM.

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