Welcome to the local jail.

A little bit of something for everyone here.

Busted for disorderly conduct of public drunkenness? Our cozy cells complete with their own toilets will make your stay here pleasant enough while you sober up and find some one to pay your fine, or you can also take advantage of our stockades, if you prefer a view.

Perhaps you are a murderer? We have ways of making you talk in our start of the art interrogation room. Here you'll be tortured using only the most cutting edge methods available to our elite staff.

Speaking of staff, that jail break you were planning will be pretty difficult with our live in team of four guards and a warden.

During your stay with us know that your equipment will be kept safe in out evidence locker until which time as some one pays your fine or we decide to sell it.

Once your judgement is passed by the local magistrate, our full service facility will be able to see you off with a nice trip to the gallows.


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