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Thread: Inkscape - card style layers

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    Default Inkscape - card style layers


    I have been struggling with making one file in Inkscape which would look like 6 cards (black text on white "paper") layed on each other with a shadow effect. I studied how to make layers, I know how to make a blur effect but the problem is that I keep getting whiter text and even the blur effect does not keep exactly the same shadowy effect when I export it to pdf.

    Can anyone give me a hint?

    Thank you

    PS: I made something similar in GIMP of what I need to do in Inkscape. As you can see, the shadows "under" the cards are the same (tone, strength, etc.) and so is the writing. When I do this in Inkscape (One layer for text, other for each card), I receive very light grey text of the card which is at the bottom and the shadows do not keep the same grey look (the upper is more dense, while the lower is lighter). What am I doing wrong?

    Last edited by nameh; 08-10-2015 at 07:24 PM.

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