I'd like, if possible, to create a believable and livable climate on this world map of mine. Assuming that the world is as close to Earthlike as is reasonable in terms of angle/volcanic activity/density/position and all that, what do you think of it? I've done some work in an ancient copy of Photoshop Essentials to nail down the basics of geography and climate so that I can later go back and edit it to a level where I like it more, and then top it all off with some cultural worldbuilding.

In the future, I'd like to add rivers and other bodies of water as well as proper Biomes. I have looked over Geoff's Climate Cookbook, but I'm unable to get through the section about gyres and currents, which seems alternately arbitrary or impossible to me. I'd like to get it settled out.

Here is the topographical map, just set on a plain background, let's say that every color difference is 400 to 500 meters or so.

Map height.jpg

Here is the tectonic map as well, so that you can see my thought process in creating the topography. Critique on these first two images is welcome!

Map plates.jpg

Now comes the tricky bit-- currents. I've put in general grey loops where I think that general, large oceanic gyres MIGHT go. Even once they're in place, I'm kind of lost as to how they create climates, but I'm going to look into it and figure it out. If you guys could help, I'd really appreciate it.

Map currents.jpg

If you guys are interested, I can post some progress reports about the world. Thanks in advance for helping me out.