Hi all,

I'm new here -- this is an amazing site. I'm running a D&D campaign for my friends and decided to create my own map for it. It's my first map, and I'm generally happy with it, but I don't know what I don't know (I think a renowned philosopher of international warfare once called these "unknown unknowns" ) and I would truly appreciate feedback.

smaller Nattakh 2.1.png

-All terrain features are watercolor and ink (over pencil) on regular vellum paper. I welcome comments and suggestions on the "physical" art, but at this point I'm gonna leave it as is; I'm too unpracticed at GIMP for touch-ups and besides, I reckon the styles would clash. Still kicking myself for some stuff, like the fact that the mountains and rivers are sorta iso but the coastline is clearly top-down. Ah well.
-All roads, points of interest, cities, and labels are done in GIMP.
-I'm experimenting with background glow for labels. "Lastwood," "Great Boreal Forest," "Soc-Nalb" & "The Poor Tines" all have a very faint glow. Probably TOO faint. "Gray Forest" has a stronger glow and "Yw Yaet Mountains" stronger still.
-The color of the roads & cities is jarring but I need to distinguish them for in-game reasons, and that was the best I could come up with. I added a Gaussian Blur to soften them a bit.

THANKS: I poked around this site for general tutorials (very helpful) and based the ink outline aesthetic straight off of Jonathan Roberts' tutorials.