Hi everyone! I'm gonna need a lot of help on this, and any feedback would most certainly be appreciated! Long story short, our current DM recently had a baby, which means our current campaign is "in hiatus". Somehow I was elected to run a campaign, and now I have a month to whip something together! Now normally I'd just have a few and make-it-up-as-I-go, but given how much effort our DM put into our game, it seems fitting to at least attempt to put thought and effort into mine.

All that being said, I haven't made a map since high school. So I present to you: Unnamed Worldmap 1! This is an attempt to flesh out landmasses in an islandy sort of world. Each color represents a different kingdom, with Red, Green, and Brown at war, and Blue being the neutral continent caught in the middle (and incidentally, where the players will start)


Again, any tips/pointers/feedback is appreciated! Also names, I could really use some help naming things.