I started this on a whim this afternoon, more as an experiment than anything else.

The Isle of Skye (for the uninitiated) is a real place off the west coast of Scotland and, in ye olden days, was the home of several Scottish clans. I got the map and the terrain from Wikipedia, and messed about with the colours in Gimp. I wanted to try for a heavily textured look with rich colours and this is what I've got so far.

I'm quite liking the way the land has turned out but I'm not totally satisfied with the labelling. I want to make the Clans the focus, and have only included a few prominent towns just for reference really, but looking at it again, I think the towns don't stand out enough and I'm not completely sold on the font. Not sure about the clan borders dividing line either. Does it seem prominent enough, or should I do more to emphasise the different regions? I might try a small glow around the border. I tried making it lighter in colour but it felt like it didn't fit with the rest of the map.

Still lots to do obviously. I want to include some clan crests and obviously a title, but I'll get to that.

Any feedback?
