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Thread: Browann Mill

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  1. #1

    Default Browann Mill

    Browann Mill is about half a day's travel from Carremvek and serves the village and surrounding farms. It is a tower mill with fixed sails which doesn't tend to be a problem as the wind for the most part generally comes from the east (the view is south facing). Like much of the duchy now though it is starting to look a bit dilapidated. There are half a dozen farm houses within the immediate vicinity of the mill and lots more scattered to the east and west. The mill also includes a BREAD OVEN.

    The mill tower is actually a reused ruin. The stone architecture of a past civilisation consisted of round and apsidal buildings with distinctive rib-like decorative elements.

    I started working on this today for a change of pace. I'm hoping to finish it tomorrow although there is all the shading and such to do yet and lots of details. And then I plan to work on Carruport again. My projects might seem all spread out but I don't mind because they are all currently interconnected.

    I also decided to go for a side view instead of a perspective view on the building this time partly inspired by JEdward's previous building.

    Credit for the plan view wall pattern fill goes to Steffan Brand.
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