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Thread: new member—Elmincár

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    Default new member—Elmincár

    Hello, my name is ObsequiousNewt, and I'm an alcoholic. Oh wait, wrong group.

    I have a map I drew for a D&D world when I was probably twelve or thirteen, and, simply put, I'd like to make it better. Upon looking at it I can tell, with my however limited knowledge of geography, that I apparently had the right idea when it came to rivers (all of which flow downhill-like). That said, I can see a few glaring (and less glaring) problems that I'd like to fix, but am not necessarily sure how to:

    • First and foremost, what is the scale? I have no idea what the scale is even supposed to be. I have no idea what would even be a sensible range of numbers. I never wrote an adventure that involved travel between two cities.
    • The existence of the lake 'Namó Ablés' which doesn't flow anywhere. However, that lake as I recall is magical, so it's certainly possible to handwave that as an explanation—assuming that doesn't screw with too much else causally.
    • Namó Tabin is less excusable, and I will have to do something with that—either add a river flowing outward or convert the entire thing into coast. This may depend on...
    • What exists beyond the borders is left ambiguous, and I'd like to keep it that way—largely because it's not important, partly because I'm not entirely sure what kind of world this even takes place on (for purposes of climate, a globe is fine to assume, though I have no idea what latitude this takes place on.) That said, I do think I might expand the map past what is shown—but probably mostly to the west. The Agrócar coastline needs improvement.
    • Été (the desert), Anarós (not sure), Mádrós (hills), Harad Cuerol ('Southern Plains'), and the group of three mountains in the lower left corner are all sort of thrown on because I thought I needed biome/landform diversity, and should probably be replaced with more appropriate features (though the toponyms will stay.) Of course, if any of these would help determine what the otherwise ambiguous climate map should be, so much the better.
    • With regards to the forests (the heavily shaded areas): Agrómé Maktos (the forest in the upper right hand corner) doesn't need to stay (same for the nearby forested island); Agrómé Tolet (the huge one) is kind of plot-important but need not necessarily retain its size or shape.
    • Despite the labeling, it seems like the south-east mountains are more collinear with the northward chain (Fír Édris) than with the western mountains. I just figured I'd point this out to mitigate potential confusion.
    • The dots (towns/cities/whatever) are placed somewhat sensibly (most of them are near water) but not very sensibly (obviously sparse distribution in anything that's not Talócár. Or maybe Talócár is too dense. I don't really know, that's why I'm asking for help.)

    I don't want to seem like I'm asking for people to do everything for me, but I would like to be pointed in the right direction, and I want to be aware of any other problems that should be solved.

    So... uh, yeah. Hello and please help me recreate my map. Kthxbai.

    EDIT: Oh, yeah, better actually attach the map. Elmincár.jpeg
    Last edited by ObsequiousNewt; 09-07-2015 at 10:59 PM. Reason: attach the map

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