So to force myself to Get In Gear, here's a minimalist start on this cold war:

### Latest WIP ###

This is part of the area or federation known as Haromszek, on the geofiction world of Scandia I used to participate in. I have an album on CG of other maps from Scandia. This base map isn't particularly creative, since it's an 'established territory' that 'already exists' - but for contest purposes it's all newly drawn. Subsequent overlays will be the cold war info. The nation of Csorgyos (capital: Shlomentc) along the south coast of Lake Bajostat is the center of this conflict, with Vysocina (capital: Panstvisidlo) to its southeast heavily involved. The presentation is to historians or schoolchildren in Csorgyos decades later, hence the lack of nation-labels -- one is expected to at least know one's neighbors... The date is Scandian, of course - along about this time the 'tech level' of the world is something like Earth (say, Europe) of 1950-2000.

Hmmm. A version of the old wiki pages for both these is visible on - I really must get the Wiki presenting all manner of info on all of Scandia back in shape. Even if it isn't in active development or 'play' any more, it's still an interesting world. And since I was in it, there were maps and maps and maps.... :-)