Quote Originally Posted by groovey View Post
Yes! I'm excited to work on the History and the political context for the novel.
Good! I'm excited for you ...and curious too!

Quote Originally Posted by groovey View Post
Are any of you doing some world-building with your maps, even if basic ideas of peeps living in them?
Oh yes, I do have ideas, since a long time actually. But I've got a bit of a dilemma, and it keeps nagging me. There are two scenario's I'm considering:

  1. The "standard" scenario in which living beings evolve on a planet. As time goes by they develop human-like characteristics and start exploring the planet, concquering new lands, trade, wage war, and do all the things we do here ...but differently.
  2. An alternative scenario in which the planet already has animal-like and plant-like beings, but nothing human-like. Space explorers from our own Earth would end up colonizing this planet. Of course, it would have to be a habitable planet for humans. One of the first questions to solve would be: how do they get there? They probably would need millions of years to reach the planet. First I thought about generetion ships, then I started thinking about sleeper ships, and finally a combination of those sleeper ships and embryo space colonization. I've got a few ideas about how it would go once they get there, but it's still a bit chaotic.

In both scenarios some aspects of the lives of the inhabitants could be taken from here, and others could be quite alien to how we do things. Most of the time I do have a preference for scenario 2 though...

Cheers - Akubra