Hello, everyone. I've already posted a map here about a year ago, but I wanted to revise it based on some feedback I've gotten for the first one. You can take a look at the old thread here.

Below are some projections of the current revision of my map. There's an orthographic projection:


A Braun stereographic projection (I used this instead of an equirectangular projection because this projection was more aesthetically pleasing to me.):


And, finally, a Winkel Tripel projection:
(Pardon the grey areas at the polar regions.)

Now, I want to ask for some critique on what I've got. Before I start adding more details, I'd like to ask how the landmasses look. Could they be plausible? Also, I'd like to ask for any advice on how to add tectonic plates to my map. I feel that would give me an easier time adding mountains to my map. Finally, have I improved from my previous map?