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Thread: WIP - neolithic and early cultures in Maward

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  1. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Pixie View Post
    Sounds just about perfectly plausible to me, what do you think?
    Sounds about right to me... though I have no idea where you are referring cuz I don't want to figure it out ^.^

    Oh, I don't think you are quite getting what I'm trying to convey with the second map (called Early Cultures).
    I looked at all the maps and I was referring to the second image in post #4. This is how i'd generally place the cultures/civs... the "dark areas" are the civs... and the colored areas with a grey border are the extents of a given "culture".

    Basically 7 cultures and 7 civs
    The smallest by population culture would be the pinkish one
    The light bluish one under it would be like the mongols
    The Southern one in that vicinity would be like east coast asia. Think "Yin dynasty" China
    The Kane area civ would be somewhat segmented away from the others and develop a lot like India due to that natural river border to the east and the agricultural areas dying off to the north
    The green area culture I'd imagine to be some kind of weird combination of inuit and Egyptian.
    The blue on to the north west of Kane it seems to me might develop into a combination of Kane and the northern yellowish culture as trade would likely pass through there.
    The Yellowish culture, given it's position and such might develop like the native british culture or the gauls. me, looing at it this way there is clear path that these cultures are going to take splitting from each other ...

    That north/south river that is in the middle of the continent i think will cause an interesting cultural exchange where Humans will divide at the southern side of it and spread east, west or north.

    The West side would be fairly protect and slowly progress west and then north.
    The east side will progress east and then north, but once they get to those steppes the steppes cultures will cause the south-eastern culture to change as well as...
    The North split will have cultures that are constantly under attack by the steppes cultures and so as they go north, pressed by exploration but also the danger of the steppes people they reach the point where they can go no farther north and split again which will cause this odd mix with the western cultures moving north where as those going east will likely be slaughtered or adopt more to the steppes culture...
    So the cultural exchange is somewhat like 2 loops, one going counter-clockwise (the west) and one going clockwise (the east)... at least that is how i sees it.
    Last edited by Durakken; 10-02-2015 at 02:13 PM.

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